* Tertre Rouge rebuilt with a smoother runoff area and less aggressive kerbing, I have widened the track very slightly around the apex. * All the yellow "baton" like bump strips lowered and made less aggressive. * Added “FIA ROAD SAFETY” banner at Ford Chicane. * Various trackside detailing on approach to second Mulsanne Chicane eg. * Other small signs added to various parts of the track. * Various race affiliated lighting poles added, including traffic lights, start lights, LED flag boards etc. * Small red corner markers added to parts of the circuit (once again let me know if I’ve missed any). * All blue and white corner markers added to circuit (please let me know if I’ve missed any).

* Temporary version of Big Wheel added at Ford Chicane. * Final version of Restaurant du Welcome Bar & Pavillion added at end of pitlane (however, it still needs glass and shaders adding). *More trees added to back sections of the circuit *Various Banners updated to 2013 (still more to do) *2013 Michelin Tower Added (will eventually add a changing screen) *Whole circuit looks less smooth and less fake. *Track sections have new bumps to make them feel and look more realistic. *All road sections have increased poly-count in some areas with lots of new bumps and camber (crank up the FFB for this one on the mulsanne) *Completely rebuilt right hand entrance to Indianapolis including runoff area. *Rebuilt whole back straight section between Mulsanne & Indianapolis *Lampposts added to whole circuit (first set of night lighting may be implemented) *New kerbs at ford chicane to match 2014. *New buildings and trees added to Mulsanne straight. Bump in low section removed as doesn't exist. Now the gradient is more as it is in real life. *Rebuilt section of esses after dunlop bridge. V.1.xx (changes being made for next beta release) If you do have comments or bugs to report please post in the running thread at F1Classic here: Remember, this is a BETA so it will be unfinished, and yes, I know about the flickering. However areas of the track are still lacking a lot of details and there are a lot of features such as night lighting missing so please take the time to read the README included with the track as it contains info on already known bugs & glitches. This track works ok and the GTR2 version has good AIW that was written by my friend Uli aka ILU2404. I see no point in private BETAs anymore so any updates will now be released publically here on my blog. I have made a lot of progress on the circuit since this version and that will be released in due course. This is a version that I released privately last year, however it has been leaked so many times I see no point in keeping it private. Plus, it is drawing close to another year at the 24 hours of Le Mans and I know we are all getting excited. I want to say thankyou to everyone for their patience and support. So, I have decided to release this here as I have now hit 50,000 hits on my blog.